What should I consider when buying a wine fridge?
How we store our wine is so important! Especially for the avid wine collector. There is nothing worse than waiting 10 years to open that special bottle than to have it damaged by fluctuating temperatures. Yikes!
These are a few of the things that I consider when making my wine fridge purchasing decisions:
1) How many bottles do you plan to store in your wine fridge?
Make sure you have room to grow! I try to purchase multiple bottles of a wine I truly enjoy. I love experiencing wine and noticing the development of flavors when they age in the bottle.
2) Will your temperature controlled environment be used for aging purposes?
Or will you be housing your daily drinkers? I personally use my wine refrigerator for aging wines. Some may prefer to house their daily drinkers (AKA bottles of wine you don’t mind opening on a Tuesday) to keep them at optimum serving temperature.
3) Red wines? White wines? Both?
Some companies offer dual climate refrigeration for the folks who’d like the best of both worlds. Red wines and White wines are best when served at different temperatures, depending on varietal. It’s good to be diverse and there is no exception when it comes to your wine fridge.